The Old Soldiers Home Foundation

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Wheelchair-accessible cart

Armed Forces Retirement Home residents and staff eagerly gathered to welcome the wheelchair-accessible cart the Old Soldiers Home Foundation donated—and to take it for its first spin! Wellness and mobility are key priorities for AFRH’s veteran residents, and this innovative cart is specifically designed to help residents with mobility needs, particularly those in nursing care, to get outside and enjoy AFRH’s scenic grounds. The electric ramp makes boarding safe and easy, and integrated mounts ensure that wheelchairs can be carried securely. Nursing and activities staff are excited to have a new way to take residents to a favorite spot on campus, participate in outdoor events, or simply enjoying an open-air ride.

This project wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our community. Thank you to the AFRH staff and residents who identified the need and worked with Moto Electric Vehicles to select the best product. And to our generous community of donors and supporters who answered the call to make this project a reality.